I didn't do a lot today. I finished transferring the form station patterns on to my 3/4'' plywood. I really thought when I started this project that I would need much more then the 4x8 sheet that they said I would need. What did I know...
I've also come to the conclusion that even though you have a really good jigsaw with the proper scrolling blade that's it's really really hard to get the cuts just right, a fraction of an inch outside the line to sand down so they're all even in the end. A bandsaw would've been a good investment for it's stability in cutting alone. I suppose it's time I got that spokeshave I've been looking for the last several weeks. There's no doubt that this will be a tedious process to get everything all even. All the form stations laying flat on the 2x6 form backer, and all the rounded edges matching up and plumb on the top side will more then likely require alot of shaving and shimming to get it right. And then after all that I have to cover the entire form with 3/4'' square long ribbands which also have to be free of divots and bumps. I have to admit this is the part I'm dreading. One wrong move and I get a wonky shaped boat. Wooooo!
All in all though, there's not a day that goes by that I don't learn something or have a feeling of accomplishment.
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